Yeah, I know what you're thinking. And maybe you're right. But I don't care. I still say that if you're drawing a space raygun and it doesn't look like a hairdryer with a dildo stuck in it, then you're drawing it wrong.
Ha! Thanks a lot, friends! Francesco, I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Too bad Laura and Chris can't make it, but we'll just need to have one extra drink each for them. :)
You have drawn a PERFECT raygun, Nathan :D
Great shot :)
And yes, feel free to bring the BB sketch in Seattle since I am definitely gonna be there :)
Great gun!
Love the quiff, too!
That's hilarious! (and disturbingly accurate)
Great drawing too!
I'll never be able to look at a raygun the same way again. Thanks a lot Fairbairn!
BTW - Both pieces are wonderful! :)
The shadow on the face is actually my favourite bit in this piece.
I'm weird.
Ha! Thanks a lot, friends! Francesco, I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Too bad Laura and Chris can't make it, but we'll just need to have one extra drink each for them. :)
I think it's great that these sci-fi heroes all have multi-purpose weapons. I mean, their hair won't dry themselves, amirite?
I absolutely love the calmness and clarity of your work, Nathan. Thanks so much for fitting this in. We'll definitely be finding a home for it.
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