(highly suggested to click on the above image for a really bigger view :))
I am running a LOST themed week over my blog, so to keep it on topic I decided to give to Asterix a LOST twist :)
I present you : THE ISLAND
aka: "I will find a loophole, Jacobix, and when I find it, I will kill you and get off this rock" :)
Hope you enjoy it and please check my blog for the LOST Week Marathon :)
this is awesome francesco.
i love that the island is a menhir.
truly beautiful. this might be the best comic-twart drawing that any of us has made. i am in awe!
This is fantastic!
I'm in amazed at what Asterix is inspiring in all of you guys.
I love these more contemplative pieces you've been doing for the Twart lately, Francesco, with this one at the top of the heap!
Thank you so much, you sweet twart-friends :)
Tom: the menhir is what gave me the idea - it was easily to be transformed in this huge island and keep it in the LOST theme of the week. Jacobix, well that came out instantly once I decided what to draw ;)
Andy: aaaaaww, man, you know how to make me blush, do you? :)
Mike: waiting to see your inspired take :)
Evan: maybe becuase I am in a contemplative period lately? ;)
Beautiful. I never really got into Lost (lack of time, not lack of interest. I now see all series late and on DVD. I'm a TV trade-waiter), but this image really puts in mind of a Miyazaki film. It's got the same kind of dreamy wistfulness about it.
Thank you, Buck :D
Yeah, the LOST reference was a bit of a stratch (the dialogue I wrote - that goes with the image - is closer to LOST than the drawing itself. I do get why you were mentioning Miyazaki though, and I am quite flattered by the reference :) I heard a few times my work reminds sometime Japanese manga or anime sensibilities.
F#cking stunning.
Thank you, Dan :)
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