Sorry I haven't been able to post any art here lately. I've been swamped with deadlines and moving all of our belongings cross country these past few weeks and haven't had any free time to speak of.
We're all settled in to our new home (well, all of our stuff is here at least) and I've got one more book in the can, so hopefully there'll be more sketching in the coming weeks.
Really glad I had the time to contribute a piece this week. I sure do loves me some Tintin :D
Oh, and the pencils for this piece are over on my blog here.
Really glad to have you back, Chris. The various line weights on this really make it, and I like Snowy there at the bottom.
Great drawing, thanks for sharing!
At long last, I am happy. Very happy.
nutty, nutty stuff chris.
is this the other end of the batman sketch you did yesterday?
Goddamn, this is nice!
Welcome back to the fold, "New Francesco" ;)
So, so nice. Great job, Chris!
Awesome as always, Chris. I love how you used lineweights and blacks not only to suggest value and weight but also to point the eye to the blackness of the cave.
Masterful job.
Welcome back, Chris, we missed you last week or two :D
And that's a perfect Tintin! :)
#theoldfrancesco ;)
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