(click on the above image for a widescreen larger view)
Great pick, Mike :)
I was used to read Love & Rockets many years ago, in my University years. The sotries were part of a monthly anthology in Italy I was buying religiously every month (other stories included in that anthology were TORPEDO, INCAL, BLACKSAD etc)
At some point they stopped the publication and that's when I lost touch with Jaimie's creation. I need to fix that.
Meanwhile I hope you guys dig this little tribute :)
Yes, need to reconcile your estrangement from Maggie. Or at least with Jaime’s work. His line and wit are still strong! As is your depiction here—this framing choice says so much.
Holy Christ, an anthology with L&R, Torpedo, Incal, and Blacksad sounds like the best comic EVER!
I love this piece, Francesco. The slight look of hurt in her eyes is perfectly Maggie :)
George: I will definitely fix this "hole" in my Love&Rockets collection :) Thank you, glad you liked my humble tribute :)
Mike: thanks, fratello :) I finished mine the evening you posted yours and I am glad I went minimal becuase there is no way I could have come even near to what you did :)
And yes, I miss that anthological magazine: Moebius, Bernet, Segura, Ortiz, Manara, Hernandez, Breccia, Toppi, Serpieri, and on and on. Those are the people I grew up with :) It was a bit expensive for a broke university student like myself, but totally worth each cent of it. I need to bring them back with me next time I go visit my family in Italy.
God, I had to grow up on bums compared to THAT list! Damn! I envy you!
Anyway, you're crazy! You kill every piece you do. I'm trying to keep up with YOU! ;)
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