Thanks for indulging me this week, guys. Popeye's been a favorite of mine since I was a kid, long before I started reading about capes and such. If for some reason you haven't picked up that first volume of Segar's strip from Fantagraphics, do yourself a favor and read up on some of the funniest writing and sharpest cartooning in comics history.
I've been posting some more Popeye stuff at my blog, which you can see
here, and
Update: I took a little time and listed all the references I made here
at the blog, if that's the kind of thing you want to check out.
jeebus, murray, and josephine!!!
evan this is incredible. i'm speechless.
Wowza! being a fleischer studios/cartoon Popeye junkie, You have totally made my day. thank you sir!
Holy mother of God that is the greatest thing I have looked at since I last saw a booby.
I told you this thing was going to set the internet on fire. I hope Al Gore send YOU the bill!
You took a brush, some ink, and some paper and turned it into happiness. Your an alchemist. Bravo.
That is truly a work of art. Nice job!!!
Doc, you are the business.
And this is completely wonderful. I don't even like Popeye - but I *love* this.
You're a god damned genius. Simple as that.
Full of awesome! Goddamn.
I actually laughed out loud at 'dish-faced pelican'. Great to see comics doing what only comics can do.
Splendid. Full of wit, exploiting the unique qualities of 'sequential art'
Blow me down! I'm also a big Popeye fan, and this piece is triple-dipped in spinach-flavored awesome sauce.
I'll take a crack at hitting all your references without hint or help from Google, wikipedia or similar electronic aids.
Panel 1) Popeye and Castor Oyl
Panel 2) Popeye and Bluto
Panel 3) just Popeye, Bluto and Castor.
Panel 4) Don't know, but it's Eugene the Jeep climbing the frame.
Panel 5)Pappy in the boat at the pier
Panel 6) Bernice the Whiffle Hen (Rub her head for luck!)
Panel 7)Popeye and the Genie from the Alladin's Lamp cartoon
Panel 8) Popeye and a couple of Goons.
Panel 9) Popeye, Sinbad ( played by Bluto) and the Roc from Popeye meets Sinbad
Panel 10) Olive, Wimpy and Popeye in a scene from the 40 thieves cartoon. ("Abu Hassen got 'em anymore.)
Panel 11: don't know
Panel 12: P,B & C
You're right – I didn't date a lot in high school. Go figger.
And it's Segar's ceegar at the bottom.
Re: No Point Buck's note on Panel 9...
Maybe Sinbad played by Brutus instead?
Thanks so much everybody! I had a blast drawing it and I'm very happy to read your reactions.
No Point Buck and Eric- Awfully close, except that's Brutus in Panels 2,3, and 12. And panel 10 is not from the 40 thieves cartoon, it's from the live action movie. That IS Bluto in Panel 9 though.
Brutus! Ah, @##$@%@! - Shame-facedly, NPB
Just pure Jeenus, Doc!
Fantastic work, sir! Bravo!
Ak kuk kuk kuk kuk ka!
Wow. Your best yet! I LOVE THIS!
I want to live in this.
a great little tour through Popeye's greatest hits. A brilliant little piece. i love it.
Haha, so fun! This is the Popeye that I re-fell in love with, from the classic comics.
I think I speak for us all when I say that there's lots we can learn about the Popeye strip!
Well done, Doc!
Amazing !!!
Love the coloring and style on this. You caught the essence of Segar's strip and Fleischer's animations.
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