I really like these guys for not having actually read anything with them. I've got to change that because drawing these guys was more fun than I can handle. GREAT pick, Chris.
Wow! this pops with brilliance! haha! I really dig the way you have captured who the characters are and what they can do in such a simple looking way. The Negative Man(?) is great, and kicks in just enough old school with the treatment of the bandages.
Oh, GODDAMN dude LOOK how awesome that is!! SHIT!
I want a print of this.
I think that's going to be my standard response from now on.
Hot damn! My favorite of yours yet!!!
Damn that's nice. The bar keeps raising.
Wow! this pops with brilliance! haha!
I really dig the way you have captured who the characters are and what they can do in such a simple looking way. The Negative Man(?) is great, and kicks in just enough old school with the treatment of the bandages.
Oh, and im crazy about the lettering too.
DAAAYUMM!!!! that's some mighty beautiful twarting, sir.
Thanks so much guys!
Incredible job. Wow. I want a poster of this, seriously.
Very well done, sir. I love it!
I agree with everyone else: one of your best twart or illo to date :) I love it when you stretch your wings and try new things, Evan :)
Love the negativeman swath.This would be a great trade cover.
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