(click on the above image for larger view)
After seeing all the astounding artwork posted after the first weeks here at Comic Twart, I couldn't help but choosing my own pulp hero, The Black Beetle, as my subject choice for this week's jam.
Can't wait to be blown away by this talented bunch. This is gonna be fun! :)
Here's my entry so now I can just sit back and enjoy the show like everyone else :)
Above: the inks. Below: the final colored image as featured on Pulp Sunday.
(click on the below image for larger view)

You're a bad, bad man Francesco :)
I love this, dude!
Oh man, we're going to be playing catch-up to this one all week, Francesco.
I love everything about this, Francesco. You are a fantastic designer.
Lovely work as always sir.
Oh, that is so frigging tasty.
The poster - mmm. Lush.
Excellent choice and boy, did you set the bar high!
You beautiful bastid, you!!! No words can truly express how cool this is!
Damn, Francesco. This is going to be one hell of a fun week! Your piece really helps set the tone for all of us. Everything about this is perfect. Especially the type!
You guys are way too sweet :D Thank you so much, my friends, I am glad you all dug it. I wanted to tie in with the current Kara Bocek arc but also to make it work as standalone. Good to see it all worked out :)
Cheers to you all!
This is fantastic, Francesco. Really digging the retro/pulp vibe and your use of light and shadow. Great job!
Man, I'm loving the Black Beetle stuff. Mitch and I were just talking about how much your pages make us want to get back on The Futurists.
Yeah - I'm enraptured.
Everything from your markmaking, hand-lettering, and color choices feels stylish but alive.
This is beautiful. Great lighting and staging. I love the movie serial card elements as well.
That's a movie I'd love to see.
This is fantastic Francesco! Really skillfully done.
Dan: thank you and, you know, you should take a stab at BB too ;) Would love to see it :)
Patrick: thanks! You and Mitch should definitely bring back the FUTURISTS :D
Michael: Thank you so much :)
Ron: thanks! I am working to make "that" movie happen ;)
Owen: Grazie mille! :)
Way to set the bar high, Sir!
As much as I like your b/w work, I'm amazed with the way you handle FULL-ART chores; pencils, inks colors and lettering. You're a one-man wrecking crew and it suits you.
The Black Coat and Zorro have been warm-ups for you, apparently, because the Black Beetle has surpassed them--and that's saying a heck of a lot!!
Thanks, Steve, 'preciate it :)
Thank you for the information that has been given, very useful and useful for me :)
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