okay, it's sunday night and i'm halfway there.
i was hoping to get this done before the week was out, but i was a guest at the new toronto wizard world this weekend which put an end to that thought. however i will try to ink it up before the end of next week and append it to this post.
unlike my fellow twarters i wanted to keep the classic feel of archie but render it more akin to the the newspaper strips of the era like juliet jones by stan drake. i also went so far as to steal a piece of americana by using a composition from a classic norman rockwell image which i have included bellow...

Fantastic! This one's gonna be a winner! ;)
great idea, ramon!
That's a perfect casting and adaptation: can't wait to see the final piece, Ramon, it's looking gorgeous already! :D
Still hoping to see this one inked. Though I am stoked to see a new Kukuburi update. Doesn't matter to me what Ramón is working on, it's all good.
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