the original idea for this was that it would be upside down ('cuz you know...space), but when i showed it to monique she kept turning it over. so there you are...
(and, yes, i know screwed up the flags...)
EDIT: special thanks, btw, should really go out to chris weston whose dan dare action figure model sheets were relied on somewhat heavily by most of us this week. so thanks chris, for just you being you.
EDIT THE SECOND: in deference to "she who must be obeyed"...

This is so f'ing awesome, Tom! I love it. I think it would have worked upside down tho.
This one is gonna be tough to beat. Stunning piece, Tom.
upside-down's the way to go! brilliant.
Either way, brilliantly executed goofy sci-fi fun.
Feels like galactic Manifest Destiny.
The upside down - original - evrsion works better on so many levels: it has the right flow (toward right) and most of all it is quite a cool original take and very related to the no-gravity condition of deep Space :)
WOnderful all around, Tom :)
I love those ships!
Sweet idea and execution, Tom.
so damn good. kinda makes me sick.
amazing, piece... works great as you originally intended.
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