(click on the above image for larger view)
Thank you so much to Andy for picking up yet another Pulp character: I am definitely in my element with these choices :)
Inspired by the old Gold Key covers, here's my take on John Carter of Mars :)
Hope you guys enjoy it as much I enjoyed to draw it :)
I'm really gonna rob your house now! VERY, VERY COOL!
i just picture an old movie house adorned with your covers everywhere... you style is amazing
Man, this is fantastic! Great work, Francesco! Working on mine too, but struggling...
Very nice! I am seriously digging this blog. It's become part of my daily routine to come here and be inspired.
Nice take on a classic!
really great, francesco. you caught the GOLD KEY vibe perfectly! :)
What can I say? It's *perfect*.
Why you gotta set the bar so high, man???
Thank you, Jake (HA! :D), Michael (I would like that :)), Mike (c'mon you can totally do it! :)), Lee, DOminic, Andy, and Dan, you guys are too kind :)
I am just glad I pulled off the old cover vibe I was aiming for :)
Holy smokes... that's awesome! Nice work!
The bar has been raised yet again.
Damn, where do you guys find the time. With a day job, my own work and some freelance I just don't seem to have any free time. Wish I could join something like this. These have been awesome pieces. And that John Carter Gold Key flavored one is one of the tops.
Keep it up guys, this blog is the hilite of my week.
Hey guys - couldn't resist blogging about your site. Terrific stuff - both artists and topics. Thanks for sharing it with us.
There should be a site of just comic characters put though the lens of old pulp paperback covers.
Hang on, I'm shotgunning that idea right now. Who wants to come across and help me with contributions??? Anyone...?
Seriously, this pic is awesome, and seriously, I shotgunned that idea, stay away from it.
You pulled this off with absolute precision, Francesco! This completely looks like a book i'd stare at, at a convention everyday but know I couldn't afford it.
Your composition is a complete inspiration.
I feel like I already own this book- I'm sure it's a battered old dimestore bit of awesome stashed somewhere in my attic.
Francesco, you are just too good. TOO good.
That's it.
What a great treatment, sir. As if your drawings weren't sufficiently wowsome, your letters are nice also.
By the way, it was nice to meet you in person in Seattle last weekend!
Thank you so much, Brendan, Craig, Tom (I am a Time Maker ;)), Hooper, Drazen (great to see you here, my friend :)), Ryan, Mitch, Hamlet, Ron, Jon (great to meet you at the show as well :D), glad y'all dig it :)
Is it wrong if now I want to draw also the spine and the back cover for this? :)
that's a finished piece for all i know!
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