(click on the above images for a larger view)
Here I was thinking I could take a week off, and then the awesomely talented Mike Hawthorne reminded me (with his fabolous inking on Ramon Perez's Thing headsketch) that I said I was going to put some inks on the sketch, so I guess I had some catch-up to do as everyone else ;)
Hope Ramon and y'all dig it :)
Now I wish I could work on this story: I have already a bit of setup: Ben and Reed part ways (not in a good way). After a few years Ben is a PI and (femme fatale) Sue steps in his office. She wants Ben investigating on the murder of Mr Fantastic.
How does that sounds for a NOIR take on the FF? :) Any Marvel editor/writer out there who wants to do this with me? Uh? :)
UPDATE! I decided to take a quick stab at the opening splash page for the book. Couldn't help it :) Still waiting for that Marvel phone call ;)
UPDATE II! A bit of narrative to go with the above images, courtesy of talented Mr Eric Johnson (Thank you, Eric :))
…She walked in like she walked out five years ago. Tall, cool, blonde, but with a hint of trouble that made you think she was the wildcat twin sister Grace Kelly was trying hide from the Prince of Monaco’s family.
I took a slug of rye from the barrel I kept under my desk then I spoke.
“Hello, Sue. Long time. You might even say it’s been quite a stretch.”
You gotta admit, the kid never gave anything away. Her eyes flashed, and she gripped her pocket book a little tighter, but that was it.
“I’d hoped this was going to be a pleasant reunion, Ben. Now, I’m not sure why I came here in the first place.”
I took another shot.
“Sure you do, baby. Everybody wants a piece of the rock.”
Her look softened and there was a catch in her voice.
“Am I that transparent?”
you kick ass.
(that, and where the 'eff do you find the time!?)
Time? What "time"? ;) :)
Glad you liked it, boss :)
btw - marvel should definitely buy that pitch!!!
Fuck, you are the fucking KING of Comic Twart! I'm getting tired of saying you're brilliant!
This absolutely kills me, Francesco. The stretched out silhouette of Mr. Fantastic is too funny. Great designs.
This is absolutely amazing, Francesco. If only the colour scheme was hotter then it'd be a perfect 50's-60's paperback cover!
I love the chalk outline of Mr. Fantastic! Awesome work once again, Francesco!
that's killer, francesco! that chalk outline is crazy hilarious!
Amazing, and with that classic hat and overcoat, noir fits Ben Grimm, like, well, a classic hat and overcoat…
“…She walked in like she walked out five years ago. Tall, cool, blonde, but with a hint of trouble that made you think she was the wildcat twin sister Grace Kelly was trying hide from the Prince of Monaco’s family.
I took a slug of rye from the barrel I kept under my desk then I spoke.
“Hello, Sue. Long time. You might even say it’s been quite a stretch.”
You gotta admit, the kid never gave anything away. Her eyes flashed, and she gripped her pocket book a little tighter, but that was it.
“I’d hoped this was going to be a pleasant reunion, Ben. Now, I’m not sure why I came here in the first place.”
I took another shot.
“Sure you do, baby. Everybody wants a piece of the rock.”
Her look softened and there was a catch in her voice.
“Am I that transparent?”
Thanks again to you and to everyone who post their stuff here. I can’t draw water, but I love checking out what you guys do.
Damn, Mr. F... I really hope you get that Marvel phonecall! Amazing stuff, as always.
Heh... 'a warm up sketch' he calls it.... Jeez...
Dude your like a machine churning out this greatness!
Thanks for another awesome ink.
Thank you so much, everyone, I am so glad you all enjoyed my take on Ramon's beutiful sketch. Also I am very happy everyone is getting a kick out of that murder scene: I decided to do this whole cover (and not just inking the sketch) just so I could draw that "stretched out" chalk line: I was laughing while drawing it :D
Ron: I had more "bright" colors but I toned it down a bit to make it more pulpy ;)
NP Buck: see? How easy is to adapt the fantastic four to a Hammett style? ;) If I had your real name (so I cna credit you), I would post those lines in the post (if that's cool with you) so everyone can read them right away: fun stuff! :)
I'm stoked. Feel free to post my Hammet-inspired doggerel by your amazing images. My name's Eric Johnson (No, not the guitar player.)
ALright, Eric, it's up in the post now :)
Thanks again for playing along: this is fun stuff :)
I'd but the hell outta that.
Given that the noir marvel line takes itself really (perhaps too) seriously, this would be a wonderful twist. Mind you, the noir series is usually "characters without actual powers in real world," but this could be so easily adapted: no one sees sue, ben is hulking, ugly brute, johnny is the hot head flashy guy, reed is just a lanky genius. Yea, this needs to happen.
thank you, guys, I'll try my best to make it happen :)
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