i seem to be catching up on my ketchups... it's a sad state of affairs really.
so my official "ketchup" is ol' benny grim. i had hoped to colour him up... but time did not allow.
i had hoped to be more prolific with my post this week as i haven't posted in a dogs age on the twarts. but with work, webcomics, trying to buy my first home and all... spare time seems to be at a standstill.
since my offerings are slim, i thought i'd also share a partially inked ARCHIE as well as the pencils for my HELLBOY twart, both of which i hope to ink soon.

Feeble, my ass. Stuff looks great, even unfinished.
that thing drawing is really great, ramon! i hope you find time to finish the hellboy as well. it's a slick idea!
i REALLY wanna see that HB finished!!
DAMN, that HEllboy is SO sweet I am tempted again :D LOVE IT!
And LOVE the Ben Grimm : so many gems in ti, from the bench curving under his weights to the little birds to the "HEH" lil baloon to the beautiful art deco street lamp... just PERFECT, my friend :)
And the inking on the Archie piece is coming along so nicely: can't wait to see that finished too.
But above all: good luck with your house hunting. I know how much pain (and time consuming) that is.
Yikes your HB looks great. Sure it will be even awesomer inked :)
Yeah, your HB is REALLY exciting.
That Thing is perfect, Ramon. Absolutely love it.
Ramon, I couldn't like your inks any more than I do. They're poifect!
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