I wanted to go way classic on this one. The Tarzan art by Burne Hogarth was a great influence on me since my childhood. I loved the lush inks and the raw power of the art. As I grew older I've come to appreciate the work of Hal Foster that preceded him and it's partly his inking style that I tried to emulate here.
Hell of a "place holder"!
Thanks Mike! I've updated it with the real thing. :)
You should keep the 'place-holder' up here. It had a really nice raw quality. The finished article is beautiful. Love the light streaming across.
Simply nailed it! B-e-a-utiful ink work :)
I might start to sound like a broken record but I think this is your best twart to date (well, maybe the BB one is pretty darn close to the best yet ;))
Love the brushwork, the composition, the shadows and the gorilla pose takes the cake :)
You're a visual virtuoso. Brilliantly fucking done.
Thanks everybody.
Alan - I posted the prelim on my site. I figure Comic Twart doesn't need any more of my rough stuff.
Ade - Thanks!
Francesco - haha Thanks! I always try to improve. :)
I don't think I've ever drawn a gorilla before so I wanted to take advantage and draw one for this. Looking up reference for "dead gorilla" brings up morbid and depressing images, though.
Mr. Hawthorne - Thank you very much sir!
Thanks again everybody.
Gorgeous work, Ron.
Thanks Evan.
That's a Tarzan you do NOT want to mess with!
haha Thanks Mitch.
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