just getting back into the swing of things after heroescon. fantastic seeing/meeting my fellow twartists in attendance (except declan). thanks to everyone at heroes, especially shelton and dustin for allowing us our panel and thanks also to everyone who came out.
Wow, Tom you rock.
This is gorgeous! Nice work, Tom!
Love the colors on this one. Beautiful work!
Great work, Tom.
Beautiful, I especially like the highlights in the goggles.
This is excellent: reminds me of the colour work of some classics artists, like Ron Embleton, or Don Lawrence, or Jim Burns
Just gorgeous!!
thanks guys.
and alan... jesus! thank you.
purty! :)
Beautiful piece, Tom. You really rock those paints. This one gives off a cool, European Juan Gimenez feel to me. And that's a compliment.
Way to rock it, Tom! You can tell Athena is one sexy lady under all that :)
Damn, that's real purrdy!
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