(click on the above image for the larger poster view)
A little late to the party since I have been in Italy in the last 2 weeks visiting my family and getting some rest. As matter of fact I inked this pretty much during the flight ;)
A big thanks to Chris for picking a long time favorite (been fan for years, since I was a kid) - went with an "undefined" version since I didn't want to focus on a specific Doctor.
Hope you guys dig it :)
You can see the original art on my sketchblog here, while below I am reposting (inspired by Dan's beautiful piece) my recent Dalek propaganda poster :)

(click on the above image for the larger poster view)
Very cool! I don't think I've seen that Dalek poster either, Francesco, that's great!
The Champ has returned!!! :)
We missed you, brother!
Beautiful stuff as always, especially the Dalek poster!
Granted, I don't know that Daleks really need to be encouraged to "ex-ter-mi-nate," but if there were any slackers, that poster would get 'em all fired up.
The Dalek one is awesome. The illustrator did a good job of portraying the scary-ness of the Daleks.
Sign me up Francesco - I'll certainly order a few if you put them on your website!
I love how atmospheric and compact the first one is, Francesco - really feels "TARDIS-y" if you know what I mean.
The second one, of course, is sublime.
They should use that poster on the show.
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