I already posted this on DA but this would be my dream book right now! This is some Teaser Art for a Retro Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Daughters of the Dragon limited series for Marvel Comics. [ with Sabretooth and Dazzler, co-starring! ] We're talking late 1970's Cage and Fist here! Of course I would have to sneak Shang Chi into a panel or two - maybe Stallone style, a'la Staying Alive...
Now this is awesome.
SWEET CHRISTMAS I want this book to happen. So damn fly. Wow!
I can dig it :)
I want this book yesterday, Dan. I can't believe it's not already on the racks.
LOVED it the first time I saw it, LOVE IT even more now - just get the book out already! :D
I commented enough love on DA, so I'll just say;
Love the Stallone reference, best part of that movie. I'd kill to buy the page with those Shang-Chi panels, ha.
I love this piece man; would love to see this book happen.
It's fantastic. or, as i like to say.... DANtastic.
ow super cool i would love to see that movie or read that comic
Absolutely brilliant. I can actually hear seventies music playing in the background as I look at this. Love the zip-a-tone, too... and that Colleen Wing is outta sight. Great job.
Fantastic. It would be an instant buy for me if I saw it in the stores.
Thanks you guys! I'd love to see it happen too! Let's all cross our collective fingers and click our heels! I'm not sure that will help, but at least we'll get 2 seconds of exercise today.
I'd buy that book. I love the attitude.
Hell and damn that's cool.
I's buy the book in heartbeat. Bruce Lee as Shang Chi. Stallone as Stallone. Redford as Iron Fist.
What's that? Oh, yeah. Sorry. Didn't think you'd catch the Stallone thing.
@Craig - I dunno if I could actually put Stallone in there! ;) Happy Birthday Craig!
Points for Bronson. <3
Thanks Dan!
I'd buy it.
Yep - all cool but Colleen is the best part of this.
@Michael L - Colleen is generally the most boring of the crew, so I thought she could use some jazzing up! ;)
I've seen this one at your DA site before and love it :) You should throw in the Sons of the Dragon, White Tiger, The Hand, and Hammerhead for fun ;)
As for Stallone ... why not just make a new character called "Sly"? Or maybe use him as inspiration for The Punisher? ;)
@Sketch - The Stallone thing is really just a way of referring to his cameo in Staying Alive with Travolta. I was thinking Shang Chi could shoulder check him as they pass on the street or something. Just a little in-joke. Thanks for taking a look at it!
Hey, thanks all you guys for checking it out!
(Cue the bass line.)Uptight,All Right and Outta Sight! And it's got Bronson! Beautiful, baby. Just beautiful.
I agree with everyone. I wanted this book YESTERDAY!
Who do we target at Marvel to get this ok'd?
@Studio B - Anyone and everyone! ;) Mark Paniccia for starters! CB Cebulksi! Any of them! All of them! Whoops, I went a little crazy there for a second. My apologies.
so awesomes. marvel should take a cue from all of these!
I can't get enough of Misty Knight - this is great work!
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