Very on-the-nose piece from Declan Shalvey this week. I was originally thinking of doing something similar to Mr. Hawthorne, but then well, he did it, so i did something different. God; they should make a movie about that story, it's so riveting.
Anyhoo, it's a bit obvious, but i think it works.
Oh yeah, i did a Rocketeer a few months back that folk seemed to like. You can see it here.
greatness! :)
Look at him go!
Great drawing, Dec!
Dynamic! Wow!
I dig it a lot, man! Nice core shadow on that helmet! Cool idea flipping the black on white there!
What's funny is that I started doing a piece just like this, but was worried someone else would do it and it would just be more of the same.
Anyway, this is fantastic and much better then what I had planned :)
I hate to blow smoke up a fellow paddy's ass, but THAT'S THE BEST SO FAR! Beat that, puny rest of the planet!
yes yes yes YES! luv it, this is what comic art is all about!
Thanks guys :)
Yeah Mark; SUCK IT rest-of-the-world!
Mike; heh, that's mad. I say we pretend you did this and i did yours (Dec ends up the winner in that deal). I kept trying to come up with something else, but it kept gravitating toward this layout. Wondered 'why fight it'? Sometimes your first idea is your best idea.
I agree. Not the suck it thing (cause, you know, I don't want to suck it :) , but on sticking with your first idea. I think this is the dog's bollocks and I'm in love with the inks on the jet pack's burst behind him.
So much energy in this piece! I love it!
That's a great drawing! Fantastic pose.
simple, direct, and dynamic.
no need to gussy it up with dinosaurs and lady bums here.
Great stuff, Declan. The burst from the rockets is great, and the head on stance with white-out eyes is awesome.
Look at him, coming right staright at ya! :D You totally pulled this angle off, Dec, and as everyone else I am digging the shadowed face :)
Thanks a lot guys :)
Tom; there's ALWAYS a need for lady-bums. Always.
Hell yeah! Jumps right of the page! Great work, Dec!!!
Exclamation points!!!!!
Aghhhh!!! Birds I can handle flying into my windows, a man with a metal helmet on a jet-pack, I don't know if they'll hold. I wonder if you could nurse a downed Rocketeer by putting a laundry basket over it for a few days?
100% awesome, Dec. You really get that great zooOOOooom! moment.
I still really love the previous one you did, but this one is all up in yo FACE and awesome to behold. Inks are stellar too.
Great piece. Very nice. Is this digital or pen and ink?
Thanks folks. You guys are the REAL heroes...
llia; it's all pen and ink, with a bit of greywash. Nothing against it, but digital's just not for me
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