(click on the above image for a larger view)
When I first started working in Comics here in US, I remember one of the first quotes I got from professionals was from Stuart Immonen (now a very dear friend of mine) who said "Francavilla's exquisite brushwork rivals that of Al Williamson or Alex Raymond...". Now I am not nearly even close to those two Masters, but I was pretty flattered by the comment, especially considering both Williamson and Raymond have always been a huge inspiration of mine.
So I hope you all will forgive me if I put some extra love in this week's twart.
I know I keep saying it, but this time you want to really click on the image to appreciate everything that is in there.
So long, Al, thanks for everything.
P.S.: Color version of this posted will be posted later on Pulp Sunday.
Absolutely amazing, Francesco! A fitting tribute to be sure.
Truly Awesomescause! Going to make prints of this one?
This is an excellent tribute! Stellar work here sir.
Beautifully done. i had thought he passed away a while back.
The 'extra loving' really shines through... definately a fitting tribute and I can't wait to see everybody else's tributes for this one :)
Nailed it! Nice!
This is so good it's disgusting. Beautiful composition. I especially really love the classic designs.
A wonderful tribute!
Fuck, that's beautiful.
That's a beauty, Francesco. Somebody else had to point out the Tintin in the mushrooms, that's brilliant.
Wonderful, both as a tribute to the man and as a work of art standing on its own.
Rest In Peace Mr. Williamson.
Magnificent. I feel as if I am looking at a Williamson original. I love it all. The angles, the web, the gun, the rocket, the spider, Tintin, the look on the spaceman's face, the shading, the overall feel of it. It is truly magnificent.
Thank you so much, everyone, you have no idea how much I appreciate every and each of these kind comments: as I said many times, Raymond and Williamson have been definitely a huge influence on me, so I am glad the love I have for those two masters shines through :)
Also glad you guys spotted my Tintin, which was originally the topic for that week (moved now to this week).
Cheers to you all!
I first saw Al Williamson when I was 14, in 1969. I was so happy--he, and Wallace Wood, were my heroes. I've told that story to so many people I don't even know if I've told your Blog that before. Al has not disappointed over the years. He remained a stellar talent to the end and produced volumes of absolutely beautiful work. The reprinted volumes of his work on the Star War newspaper strip were just great! BTW, Russ Manning did a good showing in the same sequence of volumes. I could only wish the the volumes were LARGER! but the way the pages were laid out was better than just copying the original...Al worked on them, too, I understand.
Thanks for the tribute to Al. He has meant so much to me over the years...I STILL have trouble believing he is gone. I keep expecting the next issue to come out and one more adventure. -snif-
Thank you for sharing the memory, Link, I wish I had the luck to meet him or Wally Wood (another big idol of mine).
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